//lesia kvitka, born in eastern ukraine, is an emerging multidisciplinary artist currently residing and working  in vienna, austria.

//specialising in cross-media art, she primarily works with multimedia hybrid techniques, which blend generative art, augmented reality, and experimental media with analogue methods, resulting in a unique nostalgic synergy.

//lesia's art acts as a bridge connecting different eras,  weaving contemporary methods with timeless themes, resulting in the  tapestry of a self-contained creative universe.

//in her creative pursuits, lesia delves deep into personal narratives, embarking on a journey that uncovers the nuances of individual paths, the subtleties of femininity and corporality,  connections to national heritage, and the transformative experience of the artist's identity.

//for further information, please feel free to get in touch:
email: kvitkalesia@gmail.com
phone: +43 665 65 98 6969
location: vienna, österreich